
They set us up for Ed O'neil cutting Manny's meat for him. All season long it's been building up to that. And nobody caught it, apparently.

Yes. Family Guy's done it too.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus See I thought Tony Clifton too but there's no mustache. Hmmm.

@avclub-9ab851511acc02c9c665a39d00b96e30:disqus Ooooh, I think you're right!

Deep dicking.

Whatever THAT means.

Nah, fuck that. I'm entertained by Trump's pomposity. The more unbelievable the better.

For extra morbid fun watch it in slow motion to see just exactly when the mountain goat died.

Three things:

If it wasn't for The Howard Stern radio show he probably wouldn't be on my radar. Love the guy though.

LOL, he does always look confused!

I didn't lol but your post made me smile. A wide, close-mouthed smile.

The thing about Celebrity Apprentice is that it's not something you can sign up for. They approach you, not the other way around. And isn't it obvious by now how obvious the casting director's taste(s) is? I mean, they keep throwing models and pageant winners into this thing. And sports guys and country singers. It's

Is it still considered embarrassing to do Celebrity Apprentice? The show's really entertaining, I think.

I look forward to more of Adam Carolla's antics on this show. The guy ain't afraid to throw zinger's at Trump. Or in general. Quick on 'is feet that kid.

All I'm asking is why are the same people complaining about time filler week after week after week? What's that supposed to accomplish? It's never going to change. They need SOMEBODY in that slot to fill time. It's going to happen no matter what. Get used to it.

Why hate on something that's just there to fill time? It's incidental. Hating still takes more energy than not hating.

To me the musical guest is not really part of the show. Not the comedy part that most of us tune in for, right? So to complain about it is pointless, in my opinion, because they're just there to fill time.

I don't get it.

He looks alright on his own show. But on SNL you can see all his old man skin imperfections. It's the job of the makeup team to make him—or anybody—look his best, ESPECIALLY in hi-def! They failed. What you personally think of the guy has nothing to do with it. With the right makeup he's able to look, well, not so