COBY headphones?
COBY headphones?
I was an altar boy for 3 years and never got diddled.
That's what everybody says about everybody.
I was more surprised by the people applauding when it was all over. The whole thing was random, but not in the way I personally like.
Yeah, that was going to be my comment for this episode. I don't watch the Sunday 'toons for the animation, I watch for the comedy. (Don't!) I was actually caught off-guard by all the effort they put into Roger's dancing. Usually they have the characters cycle between 2-3 poses but Roger actually did a lot of movement.
I never liked Chris' voice. Even after having the joke explained (Buffalo Bill? Really? How was anybody supposed to make THAT connection?) I still don't care for it. O tolerate it and it's better now than it was at first. But still!
Why wait for nighttime? Have the song haunt your days!
It's just a strange thing to comment on. Perhaps you'd have a point if they were filming inside a UPS Store. Okay, okay, that's not fair. If it was inside a Midtown Comics maybe you'd have a point. You know what? Sure, I'd totally give it to you. I didn't notice the Walking Dead stuff but it sounds like the kind of…
I learned about Kirby Krackle from this show. I've always taken it for granted but little did I know there was a story behind it.
I didn't notice the Walking dead stuff at all. Was it really that glaring? LOL, advertising fail on me I guess! The Smith merchandise was in the store before AMC ever got there. I'll tell you a secret: Smith owns the store!
It's a common phrase on the East coast.
Yeah, it wouldn't make sense without Bry.
That response is great for so many reasons. So many subtle reasons.
That was bad and you should feel bad.
@avclub-fc234124d1d8a21900cb7e428a012fa4:disqus is misrepresenting what happened. There wasn't any misogyny in the podcast. He's your typical White Knight. Please ignore.
@avclub-fc234124d1d8a21900cb7e428a012fa4:disqus just change your handle to White Knight Tom or something.
I lol'd more than I should have.
So it's NOT a play on Mad Men?
Psssh. Doubt it.
Yeah, the dodgy CG was just as bad as last week. They need to up the framerate or something.