Alaia Williams

They've really screwed with the timeline. I feel like several things have been brought up that happened after 2013.

She's great on Billions


They did Cabaret at my school and didn't change any of the material (from what I can tell). It was excellent and over 15 years later, I still credit it for introducing me to my love of all things Cabaret.

Yeah, I thought it was really weird. So I assumed Janae was in 8th grade and this was a high school tour.

I knew when I was watching Billions that Dillon was familiar. But I couldn't place her. It wasn't until this season started that I clicked. I do think she's better on Billions.

Was Judy this annoying last season? I can't recall but she has annoyed me every second she's been on screen this season thus far.

Love the Blanca/Red pairing.
Dig the nurse guy
Was also disappointed about DeMarco and Yoga Jones :-/

Seriously. I thought, does it really have to be the entire song?

The minute I realized this one was a flashback for Linda from Purchasing I had to come ready the review. Whhhhhhhy?

She was some kind of….different feminist…that I'd never heard of before the show. domestic feminist? I forget what it was called when the Mexican ambassador talked about her book, but she wasn't Gloria Steinem or anything.

Maybe my thinking cap just isn't on this season, but I don't think any of this is as good as the last - no matter how much I love Coon and McGregor (generally speaking, in other roles they've played).


I thought that "And always will be" line was hysterical.

I can't get into this season AT ALL. Carrie Coon can't even save it for me.

Not really too concerned with racist pricks moving up in the world.

They sound like horrible human beings.

That might be too much for me to handle.

I'd be intimidated

I wish we had gotten more about that. So, can he die now or…?