Alaia Williams

I totally thought I was going to cry, but didn't shed a tear. My friend and I think its because we watched it together…and while I thought it was great, it wasn't as emotionally intense as I thought it would be. I walk away from a lot of the episodes going "that took me places." But for this one, the one lingering

The music was fantastic.

I definitely thought she'd be in a place full of people who tried to cross over.

She crossed over in a parking lot in Australia. When you get to the other side, you're physically in the same location - she said she was in the same parking lot - there were just no trucks, etc.

With varying time zone, I'm sure a large percentage of the population was sleeping when it happened.

I definitely wanted to know how long it was. It was kind of romantic, but mostly I thought it was really sad.

Big shoes to fill

Also, it was great to see Kevin/Theroux look so genuinely happy to see Nora when he was lying and pretending their history didn't exist. Kevin has NEVER looked so happy on this show.

The longer I sit with the finale, the more OK I am with it.

I screamed. That is hysterical.

I'm not really sure what to say, but I guess I wish they hadn't spent some much time in this particular episode focused on Nick.

Fiennes was so hot to me until this show. Now he just creeps me out.

I feel like that scene with the Martha was a flashback, but maybe I'm wrong.

He's hot without the beard, but when you see them both in the same scene its clear that the beard wins.

I've never seen it either.

didn't read past the first paragraph. The headline made me think this was a series finale…so, we're getting a third season?

I don't think about Lost because I've never seen it.

I think its less about the writers and more about fans on the internet who made something out of the jogging scene…it then got brought up in interviews. So, they probably worked it in as a last gag and a nod to the fans.

Next week.

Yeah his romantic life (dating app episode aside) is the least interesting part.