Alaia Williams

Now? She has been for a while now…at elast to me.


Why the hell did I watch this? Why did I think there was ANY hope of change.

Right? I kept waiting for them to cut to something else.

I can't stand her.

Jo is totally pregnant.

I've always loved the clips I've come across on YouTube. Always interesting and entertaining.

I'm so not looking forward to that

Who has a panic room that locks from the outside?

I love this show. Really. But please, no more French professor. And I spied Whitney in the finale too. God no.

I can never pin down what her MoS accent is supposed to be. I suppose that's because I know nothing about 1950's and '60s St. Louis….or St. Louis at any time really

Me too

I like Brandi Carlile's too



Was cumberbatch any good? I've only seen him in August Osage County so I'm not one of those people who watches things when he's a guest

Yeah. I'm west coast so videos were up before it aired - I couldn't watch when I saw what it was. When it came on tv, I closed my eyes. I could only handle one or the other - either watching her on mute or listening without seeing her in her Hillary garb.

Those are my thoughts on Jones exactly. As you noted, people take it too far with their bs. My "fear" (I'm not afraid, so maybe a better word is suspicion) is that they'll keep her as a way of not feeding the trolls and trying to prove a point. I just don't think she's that funny. I can only count a few times and the

I didn't either and I don't know if that's just because I didn't feel it or if it's because I saw a dozen news outlets and east coast friends writing about it, spoiling any element of surprise for me

I think it is, but who knows.