Alaia Williams

She's not funny to me most of the time. She just seems like a cool person in real life

I enjoyed this quite a bit. Maybe because it mostly felt like an extended episode of Chappelle's Show. I liked that they let him do him. The style was different. It seemed like more taped sketches than usual (but I don't watch that often anymore, so who knows). Whatever it was, I was into it.

I clapped upon seeing Tyrone and the rest of the gang

You've captured most of my feelings about the season here.

Yeah I'm just not feeling this season

I felt the opposite way about the Lindsay pre nup moment.

Yeah…that was a dictation and lack of proofreading error on my part. But reconfirming - I did not know the latest kid was named *Ellis* until this episode.

Definitely not. Too much reference to their mother

I didn't realize she had one named Alice until she said it last night. I never knew with that kids name was

Thank you for helping me see the positive side… The way the story was told was just not my cup of tea though

Was Zola that old when her dad died? I'm bothered by these old kids. Is this a flashback but with the current kids? Pompey was good on that scene but overall this episode just wasn't my cup of tea.


This is terrible

I'm 16 minutes in and the only reason in pushing through is the hope it gets better…? This is awful

I knew he had supporters, but I am legitimately sad at how close this race is. It's embarrassing and scary.

I couldnt figure out how to connect using my Hulu account (with Showtime add-on), so I did get the trial with Amazon and I'm able to stream it live on the showtime anytime website.

No, just the once. I'm not sure I could handle it again.

I think its weird when people rush to get pregnant as soon as they get married - unless they've already been together a while.

No, she seemed unsure. She also stated she was relieved when the test was negative. This week, she blew up and said to his face I DON'T WANT KIDS.

Probably her choice. I don't know for sure, but who knows what she negotiated for once Dempsey left