Alaia Williams

I liked him better in episodes where the guys would hang out and bond or it wasn't some storyline about a baby. I really liked him when he first showed up and when he was a mentor to April

Why headgames if everyone KNOWS this guy wants kids?

To me, it felt like they needed a dark haired, slightly tan woman to replace Callie.

She helped prep the hospital for sale I think…which is what lead the docs who had conveniently become rich to buy it

Maybe Patrick Wilson will show up on a Shonda show soon. I love his face.

I miss this show SO much. The Prince, R. Kelly, and 2Pac sketches man…I never get sick of those.

It's not just you

I totally missed Bonnie saying I love you to Annalise. This episode didn't really capture my attention so it must have happened when I got distracted. That's a bummer because I probably would have enjoyed the moment…but not enough to skip around on Hulu trying find it now.

Another voice for no, its not funny

Yeah, I wasn't sure why people loved this so much, but I have enjoyed some of the fan stuff that's been created.

I'm enjoying him more in all these clips and memes than I did in the original skit

I might have to find a new job.

Oddly enough, I didn't know the lyrics to this one until watching the show (because I had captions on).

To me, this felt like something that happens on a show like Grey's when they have an episode that's mostly about the male characters…or some other network show that gets 22-25 episodes per season. On cable shows like this were we get 13 weeks max and wait 9 months for a return, episodes like this are a waste for me.

A whooooole lot of "really?!?"

Yes. Maybe Teddy would give Owen some babies. Apparently no one's clock stops ticking on this show.

Love them.

Maybe that's why I didn't buy it. Even with the over emotional music. Didn't feel a thing.

I stopped watching before she showed up. And I can't stand her on Grey's. So, a lot of people probably don't know.

I don't see how he's abusing Amelia if she never expressed that she DIDN'T want to have kids and hasn't told him about the one that died!