Alaia Williams

I loved the theme song…

I watched the show in reruns when I was young (I was born in 84 so there's no way I could have watched this first-run and remembered it the way I do). I wanted to be Officer Judy Hoffs so badly. She was so cool, kickin' it with the guys.


I felt like there was…and then I gave up trying to figure this episode out

This was my least favorite episode. Ready to see what the finale brings

Agreed, I like the guy but he's not a good target. I just kept thinking "God, he's so good looking!"

I would watch


I did not expect her to be so funny!

Will we be getting reviews for Season 4?

Right? Its making me a bit nervos about this season.

I've watched this 100 times and its still hilarious to me.

I just mean in terms of spilling the beans. If they actually get caught, its obviously very bad for the woman who killed him and the ones who helped her chop up the body.

I wrote my notes while watching, so I like that two things made the Stray Observations (sort of):

I think its better to end on a high note than go on way too long like Weeds or Dexter, which were both great in the beginning.

Please revisit. Season 2 was incredible.

Agreed on all fronts. But lack of Fargo definitely makes sense if leaving off miniseries.

uuuuuuugh. this just makes me miss Mad Men and Breaking Bad.

I laughed at the second part (about different experiences), but definitely like the earlier part when the one of the neck tattoo was shocked that the other one couldn't read. Seemed more realistic to me.

So many characters…I can't even remember who Tricia is