Alaia Williams

I really felt bad for Maritza

I've been worried about Aleida's release since they said it was going to happen. Rarely does anything go right for anyone on this show.

1) I still like Judy and I'm wondering if that will change at some point
2) The actress playing Maria is great, but big bad kingping Maria still doesn't fit for me.
3) I was so done with Caputo after he told Linda that pulling a gun on Crystal was hot. Ugh.

I don't know who this guy is, but this might be my favorite hatesong so far.

Piscatella's line about having two beards was great.

I always expect the worst. can't help it. So I feel like something will happen to screw up Aleida's release. Especially now that people know. Like a "jinx!" kind of thing. Hopefully I'm wrong and hopefully her stay continues without incident and she gets out.

CeCe was the best

Then I must have a chunk of those extra tickets because of Prince. Another thing to thank him for.

I didn't go to shows for a chunk of those years, so I'm very curious how I got 6 pairs of tickets and 7 discounts. In 2011 I saw Prince 4 times in LA - but that was the tour where he worked it out with Live Nation so there would be no fees…so it can't be that. But, I won't complain…until I see the list of eligible

12 tickets and 7 discounts. I'm happy….if I can use these on shows I actually want to see. Can't wait to see that list.

Not gonna lie. That little of Jon Hamm is upsetting. I need more!

I loved Shhh—snacks. I hate those damn commercials about women indulging in chocolate.

Right. And then wander his way around America until he finds his dad. Then what?

I thought there would at least be one more scene!

Ok I liked it but….in the end it was my least favorite of all their finales. I thought something would happen after Philip brought Paige home, but alas. I was all in until then.

I will!

I loved this one! The karaoke and pregnant women sketches remind me of way too many people I see in my online communities spouting off the craziest stuff. I have a former client who'd be so perfectly at home with those women, it makes my stomach hurt a little.


I have had Down in the River to Pray in my collection for years. I don't recall hearing it. Now I need to watch last weeks episode.

Having watched the entire season already, the sheriff thing never makes anymore sense than it does right now.