Alaia Williams

I'm incredibly annoyed by Kevin - which means Butz is doing a great job. I always wish someone would put Kevin out of his misery

Who are those two guys she talks to in the bar every. single. week? I'm glad I don't know them.

I liked them both a lot! I don't have a problem with "slow burn" shows.

Now I can come back after having finished it and say - it was much better than a C+ season! I need the rest of the episode reviews to come out so I can get specific…

Just finished the season. I am pleased.

There have been flashbacks…not a ton, but there have been some

Right? It's perfect! I'm already on episode 7, with plenty of weekend to spare

He's the most real which is probably why I'm so annoyed by him

It's been a year and I almost forgot the setup of season one. I meant to watch it again but had no time. Danny was a really compelling character, so let's see how things go in his absence. I'm almost done with episode two and though I'm enjoying it, I do feel the difference between the season and the last.

Yeah, I live tweet some things (well, I used to). But I'm on the west coast too, so I'd stay off social for those hours before my favorite shows begin here.

I hated him on the reboot

I liked Leno. Could never get into Letterman. I liked Jimmy Fallon for a while too, but he's just way too easily amused fanboy for me to watch regularly. If I hear in advance that someone I LOVE will be on this show, I DVR it. But since all the good stuff ends up online anyway, I know I can find it the next day.

His comedy bits fall flat and go on way too long

I usually fast forward through everything straight to the interviews (if he has a guest on that I want to see). I loved his last show, but this one just misses the mark and I feel like some of the bits go on too long. But I think he's a great interviewer, so my DVR is set for it and I just jump straight to any


I was Iffy about Izzie. After she started seeing dead people, I was over her.

I think they all always look too good.


I loved The Knick Jr.

That was a long review that could be summed up with - everyone was acting like idiots. When they were making out at the wedding I kept wondering how dumb they could be. And yes, most of the twists could be seen a mile away - and there were just. so. many.