Alaia Williams

I'm glad someone else thought it was 'meh' too

I still can't watch the musical one. I mute whenever someone starts singing.

Really? It was my least favorite finale this show's had. That I can recall anyway.
Jo's secret was lame and of course they brought old Alex out. I fear that when this gets cleared up, they'll get back together. I really don't like Jo.

5 second game was fun though

Those are the ones I like, except I stopped paying attention before Black Skinhead and haven't heard it. I feel like I liked his earlier work, but the bigger the ego got, the less interested I was.

But but…he could help more people if he had more resources!

That was a great moment

That was the main reason I didn't think it was them - why leave Alice behind?

That's where I thought it was going

That's how I felt. I wanted to her say yes but thought "This is Elizabeth, she'll say no"

I came here to say "Kimmy!" But you beat me to it

Shockingly good. During is first scene I had my back to the TV and swore it was Biden.

I love the cast, and yet I'm bored. Not sure what it is exactly.

I'm watching now and feeling like I'd rather read a wikipedia page on the whole thing and be done with it.

When the gals were in ballet class I totally thought I'd missed an episode where they became friends. And then I just assumed Darlene was faking it because I couldn't picture her in ballet

I think when Eliot said "sister" I freaked out more than he did.

He's always eating or drinking something. Especially this season. It could have been done years ago. Easily.

It's going to be off for 10 months? Yeah I definitely will not be watching in 2017

Cheer for Cyrus? Not for a second ever.

Yeah, the whole Callie and Arizona thing has been handled strangely