Alaia Williams


She and Jo and Amelia can skip off hand in hand and I'd be thrilled.

I know the point of therapy was to talk but I feel like Alice sure has given a lot of details…names, crimes. She sure was quick to open up.

TMZ sketch was best. And I did laugh through the four women talking about their boyfriends.

Maybe it's because I've never grown to be a Stephanie fan, but I didn't get enough of her and Kyle to really few anything about him dying.

I can't stand Amelia at all

John Collum!!

I'm not for it, but they wouldn't really need to explain it. She and Jake hooked up this season. She probably wouldn't keep that one either though

Maybe she'll have Jake's baby. Hahaha

Anything? I didn't catch anything, no pun intended

That's what I asked. Earlier in the season he and Jake were always eating. And Olivia stayed in the house. So many opportunities to kill him. They've killed others, so why not?

All the speeches are what I hate the most. A close second is the Fitz and Okivia relationship.

She's the teen girl that Philip had to seduce

Is it really all in caps? That hurts me.

I figure Callie didn't break down until Sophia left. But yeah this whole story arc has bothered me because the simple solution would be Callie staying in Seattle where her daughter and her great job are.

I didn't buy this episode to begin with. I don't think Arizona and Callie would get to this place so quickly. And that Callie would uproot everything to follow Penny so soon.

The video just seemed like a bunch of famous people pretending to have fun - and that includes Justin.

Do you have Amazon Prime? I think its on there.

I didn't think he would. But I didn't think her plane would make it to her destination…with her on it…alive. And for now, all we have to go on is their word.

Of course. But the way she kind of poked about EST "I see you why you like it….buuuuuut its kind of a scam for gullible people." She definitely didn't have to go there. EST gave her something to poke about. We obviously quickly saw what they were REALLY fighting about seconds later.