Alaia Williams

So true. I was just happy the show got SOMETHING. I couldn't even believe it wasn't nominated in other categories.

I remember - Gene's the computer guy

I always just want what she's wearing, but in the scene where she blew up at Paige, I was curious about how pregnant she was when filming. Which podcast?

Since its been seven months, I wonder if her parents ever got the call

Yes, I agree about Elizabeth not giving him a hard time. She needed to come out on top there - morally superior, stronger, something. She knows he enjoys it so going off of how its a scam is obviously only going to upset him.

If this show doesn't get any nominations this year, I'm ready to call the whole thing a sham

Wow, that intro. I didn't realize I was holding my breath the whole time until Philip exhaled.

It's on my DVR. I'll get to it one day. My friends said it would make me dislike Joe Biden, so I'm taking my time

I liked him better on Weeds - even though the show started sucking by the time he was introduced

This is the first episode I watched on tv - not just YouTube videos. The best bits were the gun show and Chip Chat. The rest I could have done without.


When people say they still watch this for Kerry Washington's acting, I wonder what they see that I don't see. I fine it laughable at this point. That scene on the plane when Huck bugged out his eyes and mention Jake, Liv made one of her over exaggerated faces and threw out that god awful "you're gladiators!" line and

Chicago. So much more fun on the big screen than on my tiny (in comparison) tv

Yes!! That too. The feminism bit always gets me as well.

I'm so scared to listen to/watch this. I'm not a Beyonce fan (I like one or two songs). I get so much crap from fans of hers of various kinds. Her fans drive me nuts. Part of me thinks I might give her more of a chance if it wasn't for her fans. Someone actually said to me the other day "You don't like Beyonce? You

It can't be both?

I mentioned that to someone in the comments last week. I don't remember the episode but I remember her telling him she knew it was a wig

I also think she wanted her to be quiet. Gabriel couldn't punch her in the middle of the street last week but Elizabeth could do something here

I can't recall

I figure she'll be dead soon, but I'm not guessing who does it