Alaia Williams

That was so great

This week on Poor Martha:

I once had a group of friend-ish co-workers excitedly suggest we go out to dinner for my birthday…and then I paid for myself. I was like "wtf, this was their idea. I was perfectly content with going home." I never let a friend pay for their birthday meal, regardless of who planned the outing

I'm sad that I never got to go while he was alive.

I don't remember. I'd need to watch again. BUT I think it she thought it had something to do with vanity (like he was losing his hair maybe?) or something. But I have this picture in my head of her addressing it - before he took it off and "revealed" his true self.

I hope they continue this through the weekend. I was at work when I heard and too stunned to think about setting my DVR to catch anything

Leno had Eubanks. I liked Kevin Eubanks.

I wondered, from basically the first episode, why Colbert's band didn't seem more on point to me. I've never been able to get into them.

I fast forward any time he and Colbert are talking. I DVR'd this episode, but I haven't watched it yet.

Right? So inconsistent

I feel like several on this thread liked it…or didn't hate it as much as I did.

Totally. All the people they've killed, someone could have smothered him in his sleep by now or poisoned his eggs

Really? I found it painful

Jesus. This was awful. Rowan talking about Jake's past. I mean this stuff happens in real life, but Joe Morton on this show is just the worst. And they've known each other for 20 years? They should have done a better makeup job on him in those flashbacks. I'd buy 10 years, but 20? Come on, I've seen Felicity.

I'm a pacifist who hates gun and found this too be too "very special episode" for me. I felt no impact whatsoever. I found myself ignoring most of the episode.

Year I was born. I never got to enjoy the sofa when they first came out but man do I love them now

Cream is one of my favorites. Love love love it

It was crazy to watch as an adult and catch onto those jokes that went over my head before. Loved that show. Still do

I miss people yelling FACED. It was annoying then, but now you've made me nostalgic

Great. I'll check it out. Thanks