Alaia Williams

No one their stream has been in an out? Tons of people tuning in…can't say I blame them though. I own some albums, but not all of them, so I'm streaming too.

What's your podcast?

Yeah, I was sure we would have seen both of those characters by now. But this is one of those shows where I just trust what they are doing. They have a plan.

She did? I missed that


Yeah, I went to a couple of shows for that tour and the tour in LA where he did 21 shows over the span of a couple of weeks. Each and every time was amazing. I feel so lucky. Even moreso now.

Yeah, I'm not ready

Today is a sad sad day for me. I was fortunate enough to see him live 8 times. So glad I didn't wait. Each time was magic. We've lost a true legend and one of my favorites of all time. I'm wrecked right now.

Elizabeth knew Gregory for years. She recruited him and was in love with him (and I even think she told Philip that). But The circumstances were definitely different and Elizabeth does *seem* like the colder of the couple.

Yeah. This isn't a show where you think "why do they have that other kid anyway?" They are going to do something very thought out with Henry. And we'll be able to look back and see the signs.

I will. Though good podcasts always make me cry about my inconsistent episode production

I mean, I knew Gabriel didn't, but I seriously expected her to get sniper shot or something. I mean, watching her walk into the street at yell at Gabriel, for me, was one of the most suspenseful scenes in all four seasons.

Yeah when I rewatched the episode I said to myself "if that's the nudity…"

Reading your comment makes me want to watch even less than I did before. That was such a stupid scene. God, I've grown to hate this show so much.

And at one point she said to him that she knew he wore a wig

Exactly. I'm surprised they Ony have another back up look out who lives somewhere else on the block

That's what we think for now. But it's written so deliberately, I believe something will happen with him that we aren't expecting

I call the show Poor Martha in my head. And as I wrote my notes I always start with "This week on Poor Martha…"

I didn't even know about this podcast!

She had Gregory, though that was a different situation