Alaia Williams

I agree with everything you said. Especially about bands on TV shows.

Wasn't into the monster AT ALL.
Charlie seemed kind of like a dick on the phone to his dying mom.

I had zero plans to watch this but had see Schwimmer play Kardashian. My jaw dropped when I first heard he was cast in the role.

He's been the only thing I still enjoy about the show for years now

Willing to give it a shot. Could be good. I'd love if the guys were in it.

Natasha is unbearable

I'm just starting Part 3…I find this Natasha gal quite annoying. I haven't seen Downton Abbey yet - is she just as annoying on that show too?

I grew up in a diverse city. I'd say the lines were more cultural than anything. Students who moved here from Asia or Latin American countries didn't always hang out with their American counterparts. Usually the kids who had Mandarin or Cantonese or Spanish or Vietnamese as their native language hung out with people


Well, I'm definitely curious now, so I'll hop over to Hulu. Thanks!

I never said it wasn't….?

Agreed on the Married front. I looked forward to the episodes he was in. I wish it hadn't been canceled.

He's very likeable.

I enjoyed Mad About You, though I was young when it was on. I LOVED his role on Married and was so bummed when I learned it had been canceled.

I don't know. I've never watched it and don't know how to classify what kind of show this (I just see commercials as I watch ungodly amounts of SVU). I just never noticed a review of it before, so I was surprised.

In Founder's Mutation, which was originally set to air AFTER this episode, Mulder seems more competant with cell phones, which makes sense since he would have had more time to mess around with them after getting back in the game.

There have been special screenings of the first episode since October at least. So, that first one has been floating out there for a while.

For some reason I was surprised to see a review of this here.

That was a fantastic moment. I liked many things about this episode but that was my favorite moment I think.