Alaia Williams

I would have been okay with that.

Oh and Mulder has a better handle on using cell phones in Founder's

Yep. And last week he had a better handle on his phone, which makes sense because originally this episode was supposed to air before last week's

I meant after! Shouldn't watch and type…Founder's Mutation was closer to the end…which I think still makes sense. It was fine last week, but knowing this one came first originally - I immediately noticed the difference in office settings.

I thought One was the worst

Definitely a fun experience. I wish we could do it every week :)

Me too! I saw it there and at the Grove. The Manners tribute was a great surprising moment. I wish they'd held it back from previews.

I think last week's episode was shot before this one. The order the episodes are airing in changed a few weeks back. They were probably worn out by the time they show Founder's.

This doesn't rank among my favorite of the comedic episodes (Kumail did nothing for me and the ending seemed rushed), but I definitely think it was solid. I loved the moment at the very end with Guy and Mulder.

One of them ;)

At least I know someone out there understands me.


Agreed. I mean, if this is going to be an issue, it should start with the movies getting made. By the time it gets to award season, it seems pretty late in the game to me.

I hate to admit but…I'm kind of enjoying this. But how this will work as a series…we'll see.

It's good. A little funny, a little sentimental.

I don't think so. If I remember correctly the order was changed just a couple of months ago

Yes. They rearranged a bunch of the episodes. I was wondering how it would all fit together. There must not be many scenes or storylines in the middle episodes that carey through, otherwise it would get really messy. I think the final episode brings up William again. Once all have been released I'd like to watch them

I remember him from Desperate Housewives

I saw Instant Classic is the preview for Darin's episode next week. I've seen it and it's good! It's not in my top list of the comedic episodes, but I enjoyed it.

MUCH better than last night. And I won't lie, the William scenes did give me the feels. Especially Mulder. We know how Scully feels about William so it was nice to get more out of Mulder.