Alaia Williams

I agree mostly. There are episodes I've hated - but I'd never complain about this show. My fave, probably forever.

I'm looking forward to this so so much. Maybe not the first episode but…

That one is really good

That's one of the things I found myself looking forward to as each one started

I did laugh at the Garcetti cameo in the pilot, which I saw today (for whatever reason, when DVRing this, it didn't pick up the pilot - so it was the last episode I saw). I also liked the stunt double scene…until it went on for too long.

I went to Brooklyn once…but ask me where I was and I wouldn't be able to tell you. There was a cool coffee shop…? And some place where people watched movies in the back…?

I get that the premise is about these floundering gals, but it would be nice to see them grow up…at least a little bit. Because I'm getting older and the more they continue to act like they did in early seasons, the more removed I get. But for now, it still has a place on my hate-watch list.

I'm on the 4th episode (for some reason, I can't find episode 1 on demand, so I've watched 2-4). Its okay. I'm not sure I'd DVR and tune in each week, but because its a slow Monday and I've got two monitors, halfheartedly binge watching works out.

When everything first aired, I was bitter because they weren't Mulder and Scully. And I never got through ALL of season 9 until this year. I don't think either of them are bad and like them both. It's just thinking of them as M&S version 2 when it becomes a problem.

I'm certainly not "panicking" (its just a tv show…granted, my favorite, but a tv show). What I've glimpsed of reviews of the *first* episode (as mentioned above) happen to all have been bad - that's just a fact of (my) life.

For now, I feel comfortable saying good. I liked it, but didnt love it. That said - I woke up at 530 that morning, stood in line starting at 7am, then we sat on our butts from 12pm to 8pm watching old episodes. So, once the episode finally started after 8 (with a 20 minute pause for technical difficulties), I was

I think she has moments where she's sweet. They all do. But I think she's selfish too. So is her ex. Its not surprising the kids turned out that way.

I can't stand Maura either. Season 2 was really hard for me to get through.

I love the Affair, but Season 2 was uneven for me. I'm still looking forward to the third season - but feel like that should be the end of it. Its Showtime though, so they'll probably beat the dead horse for 18 more seasons

One of my favorite movies.

Yeah - this show made them stars, and they've got families now. I think someone has already asked Gillian if she'd like to do more and she mentioned she's got obligations in June. She's shoot The Fall now and he's doing Aquarius…it may be a while before we see these two again.

Yes, and Morgan said this weekend that Duchovny hated that they made Mulder fan, so they'd try to cram as many Elvis references in as possible to annoy him.

Yes!! I was there too! I was so relieved when it was good.

I liked 8 and 9 better this time around. At the least, I didn't hate Doggett and Reyes.

Aside from Vince episodes I never really paid attention to who who wrote what. But Saturday I learned Glen wrote Home which is just…still so hard to watch. I always appreciated that episode but hearing him talk about it made me appreciate it more - and be able to identify other episodes he wrote