Alaia Williams

Mmm then you guys missed a great Kimmel interview last week

I've seen nothing but bad reviews for episode one, so I'm nervous, but still hosting my viewing party, dagnabit! I did see a special screening of the Were-Monster on Saturday and it was entertaining, so my hopes are not entirely dashed.

I have my concerns, even without the critics. The clips I've seen just haven't gelled for me. I know Mulder isn't always the most expressive, but something just seems so forced on both their parts in the clips I've seen. But I'm holding out hope that it's great because this show has had my heart for 20 years!

Well, they just scooped up a ton of new members. They sent all of us who registered for this an email saying we have very slim chances of getting in unless we're paid members.

I don't know what Kumail and Cinefamily were thinking - a free, first come-first served X-Files event in LA? It sounds like its going to be fun for those lucky enough to get in. Watching with a crowd would make me feel less guilty about my binges.

I'm concerned that a 17 year old doesn't know that deodorant is a good thing (well, in American society anyway).

I love a show that puts me through the wringer

Last season was excellent

The best thing about Mindy moving to Hulu is that I no longer see New Girl promotions…I'll have to suffer through them during The X-Files though.

I'm not giving Baskets a second of my time. But I will try Billions

The X-Files and only The X-Files (in January, that is). Teachers rubs me the wrong way for some reason.

This is brilliant and I'm mad I didn't think of it myself.

Every time I watch this episode, I have to watch the Rod and Brent scene at least twice

Yeah, I binged watched it all in a day or so, so its all one big blob to me. And considering I watched Season 1 again the week before, it was way too much of this family for me by the end of Season 2

Totally. By the end of this season, I was exhausted.

Like I said, I realized I was in the minority a few years ago.

Tons. And I was raised around people who were not native English speakers, so when I was young, some of my favorites were Selena and later Shakira and Talia. I still think Shakira's best work is in Spanish (and Arabic). Eventually I grew to understand a bit of Spanish, but I also listen to a lot of French music and so…

I'm definitely not punk now. But I'll claim it for that brief 98-99 period :-)

If only

Oh and I also like Squad 5-0