Alaia Williams

I've never heard anyone other than Alison Krauss perform that song, so I don't know if anyone else does…but I looooove that song.

I don't think they do, but maybe I just get where you're coming from because I considered myself a Christian for most of my life. Now I just call myself a Quaker and let other people figure out what that means.

Flood was one of the songs that got me into Christian rock. That and Colored People by dc Talk. Haha.

Well, can we really blame Rich for what it became?

Wow, you are really making me relive my teen years. My mother adored Rich Mullins. His work was really beautiful. Jars of Clay was hit or miss for me, but I do have some tracks by them that I still play.

I only knew their one rat in a cage song (I think…I probably know more), but didn't Corgan go Christian for a bit?

I care a lot about lyrics. That's why I actually stopped listening to most of the Christian rock songs I used to listen to in middle/high school. The ones that remain in regular rotation are the ones that still speak to me or that I find thoughtful (usually the ones that are about love and peace and unity and all that

I used to be into a few Christian punk bands that were good.

I appreciate them because they are also a little less materialistic too.

I was really into Christian rock from about 1996 to 2002 maybe? When I put my music on shuffle, I hear some stuff that makes me cringe, but there are still some tracks that are actually really good and thoughtful.

Yeah, I mostly clicked because of the curious title. My first thought was "is a song assumed to be bad automatically because its about Jesus?" and you're also right…some of these aren't necessarily pro-Jesus. Poorly titled article.

I still have a few Christian rock songs from my youth that I hold on to (yes, I do have the Jesus Freak album)…but it is strange to think that for the most part, Christian rock is pretty mediocre, but gospel is awesome and even appreciated by many who definitely don't believe there's a god out there to be found.

Wow, that opening scene with Lexi and Rob was so LA it hurt. I haven't been to half those places, but I know about all of them! Spot on. I love when people actually get LA stuff right.

We do use rando. If you're of a certain age, that is.


I think this show is great and I'm enjoying this season so far, but there are moments that really great on my nerves…when Gretchen didn't know what to buy at the store - I just wanted her to go on Amazon and get the job done. And then in this episode when they were in the yogurt shop, stealing - and then dropping crap

I will NEVER forget that episode. Ever!

The episode where Lucy is laying there and Noah Wylie is staring at her. Man, that one got me every time.

Man, the early years of ER were really great

I don't know if he or Armie Hammer are really big stand on their own headliners here. Cavill had Superman (which I didn't see), but outside of that, I feel like most people would only know him from The Tudors…which means most people probably had no idea who he was. I wanted to see it, but it wasn't in the theater for