Alaia Williams

I'm a Fassbender fan, but couldn't buy him as Steve Jobs. I'm waiting until Netflix. Maybe other people felt the same way?

I am a HUGE Mad Men fan, but somehow I'm surprised this came in #1 on your list. Based on how the reviews have gone, I thought for sure it would be Fargo, which I also love.

I thought it was pretty hilarious

Um, The Americans was fantastic.

Aquarius would have been better without the Mason plot throughout the entire season. I'd like it as a case-of-the-week thing.

I'm aware of the timeline, but still don't think she did it on purpose. Especially if they really were fighting. That's some bang up timing, no pun intended.

Totally. In that episode, we didn't even know they slept together. I immediately started thinking the baby was his then - but wondered how that was going to happen. Everything on this show is intentional - so having the baby there like that and having them point out that it was Cole's first time meeting her seemed a

Well, I'm willing to buy Alison at the wedding because they are business partners. She and Louisa must have interacted a ton by now AND they've asked her to stay on and run the place while they take their honeymoon…for a few weeks.

I figured Louisa's mom worked for them for a million years. And maybe she's working on her relationship with her mom, who seems to have moved on.

I don't know. She'd already told Noah about Joanie. I know telling Cole could be the bigger deal - especially on his wedding day - but I don't think she'd push him in front of an oncoming car on purpose. If it WASN'T two drunk people driving - or maybe just two different drunk people - they would have stayed, maybe

I think her clothes matter more. In his version, her clothes are always a tiny bit sexier than in her version. More…temptress…up to no good…can I trust her?

It seems to me they didn't see each other after that night and she ended up staying with Noah, so he probably didn't give it a second thought. Family problems, Louisa…I might not think about it if I didn't see or talk to her again until the house sale went through.

Ditto. So, that was a Noah Fail in a way. 100K is a lot of money…

I wonder if/when Noah tells Helen that Alison pushed Scotty - or if he just keeps that part to himself.

Or at least continued the rouse until he got back from his honeymoon

I thought maybe I had missed something but, like you, I didn't catch that glare at all. They seemed to be on perfectly good terms in this episode

Yep, that too. Especially because at this point he wasn't speaking to Alison.

If Max was telling the truth on the stand, Noah didn't think he was home…so he probably never thought to rope him in. I doubt they've spoken much since that argument.

Agreed (except for Helen's drunk driving). But then there's be no show.

Well, its good that it wasnt him