Alaia Williams

I stayed up for this review…

Same. I thought "what are they talking about?" I remember the bit upon seeing it again, but I never think about this song - and I LOVE Christmas music.

I think it definitely should have had a place there.

This season…I'm just not completely here for it yet.

I like it

Yes, the women definitely brought it home this year on The Leftovers

I love Mad Men, but so much has happened since the finale, I kind of forget that the finale was this year! And I was a live screening event - and still forgot! I'm not sure why it feels like ages ago.

Upvoting for the paragraph about Fargo

I just watched the finale. Binge watched the series over the last week. So good.

I agree with your ensemble choices but I was surprised I didn't see Carrie Coon or Regina King singled out as individuals up above for their kick ass work on The Leftovers.

Damn it Cleary.

Season 1 is great

Second half? So we get 4 hours? Or is this two hour thing I'm watching the whole thing?

I loved the first 3 seasons - with season 1 being the best. I know Ruth is busy with The Affair and everything but I'm halfway through this right now, missing her, and awfully bored.

I can't imagine her being high maintenance.

What do you think it has in common with Mad Men? I adore both shows, but never once thought that.

I looooove The Americans

There's no way it won't be

I could handle this.

I love Bloodline! And I'm sorry that Looking got canceled.