Alaia Williams

Buzz is pretty cool

They probably just list her for the entire season

I'm not sure where she OR Sarah get money, but on another thread, someone suggested alimony for Sarah.

She's my favorite. And Colton made me laugh and now…at least for now, they are both gone.

That's the problem I'm having. I finished it the day all the episodes were released and now it all bleeds together.

I've watched the entire season already and I enjoyed season 1 more. This season just made me hate everyone.

They didn't seem abusive to me. I think he didn't like leaving his bio dad, who he was having fun with.

It's a great show.

This. Sounds. Awful.

I'd love to read that article.

I think its the same woman

I have mixed feelings about Sarah. I like her, but most of the time she drives me nuts. Which means Amy is doing a great job. I did like the scene with her and Raquel. I love Raquel!!!!

Yeah, I missed all of that, but if they do mean Hanzee as Otto's son, I did wonder if he's find his mom again.

Barrow is awful.

Cleary and Harry are my favorite. That seen with Barrow and his wife was awful. Pretty cold blooded to not only buy the new lady a house, but to sell the one your wife (and kids!!) are in right from under them.

No. Season 2 was amazing. But a show like The Leftovers doesn't need to go on forever. You'll understand once you watch it.


Of course.

I'm thrilled. Season 2 really turned the ship around.

I dont even know what show is being discussed.