Alaia Williams

With Olivia and Fitz together and Rowan previously in jail, Jake served no purpose. Fans love him, so I knew something like this would happen. I like Jake…but not enough to have Rowan back

All I could think was "great, here we go again." Last week gave me false hopes of improvement

I had to buy the song. It was stuck in my head all day and I had to give in.

I think lying was wrong, but I agree with you about the situation Helen put him in…and, I don't think it was Noah's intent for the kids to come out and stay in Cold Springs (but maybe I forgot something that was said in mediation).

Of course. Aren't we all judgmental?
Yes, I've been in a relationship and have a mother.
I'm also totally not offended, but thank you :-)

I acknowledged the pain. I don't think that will go away…probably ever. I still have breakups that sting. But in terms of the divorce process, they were moving along in a somewhat civil manner. Noah lied about Alison being in Cold Springs, which was WRONG (and none of my comments are written to excuse Noah…more than

Thank you. Thank you.

yes, probably intentional

I guess I should try watching that, shouldn't I?

Yes, Helen took him to the doctor in some previous episode.
And, like you, I got really annoyed when that kid was chastising her after the cops showed up. I never talked back to adults - and certainly not like that!

That's why I called it a fancy TV thing.

No idea, but the body underneath is his.

I don't think she'd take her keys underwater either. I didn't have a cell phone as a teenager, but if it were me, I'd have my stuff closer to me, not in the car.

Patrick Wilson was on fire in this episode.

When they showed a close up of her, I immediately thought "yup, I could see her growing into Allison Tolman"

Prog Rock!

Best use of music on TV right now.

He's hysterical

He did indeed

I knew he was going to kill that rabbit.