Alaia Williams

Well, they all suck. I've forgotten about some of Cole's behavior last season, honestly. I could be wrong, but out of the four, I feel like he's gotten the least amount of screen time. So, Cole is pretty awful too. I think because at this point, we've gotten Noah in 3 of the 4 perspectives, I've had more time to be

I would in a heartbeat. His body is sick.

He didn't tell Helen. He said everything was fine. But, of course, that wasn't in Alison's version. And we didn't get Helen's POV last season.

I guess we'd have to wait for Whitney's perspective (season 3…?), but in everyone's perspective, she's a brat. And again, this was before the affair was revealed. And, we never got a second POV on Martin's suicide prank because Noah was the only one who saw.

haha, the Asian woman who birthed Holy Wayne's baby

I kept waiting for Noah to point out to his son that he was talking to a nurse, so if he could just do what was asked - not for the hell of it but because, hey! we happen to have a medical professional on the line…but that didn't happen.

You know, in thinking about it more, Noah's kids crappy behavior can't all be blamed on the affair and marriage break up. Whitney was a snot from the beginning and Martin played that suicide prank in the very first episode. So, they had a lot going on even before this. Things are MUCH worse now, but still.

Nope, I don't. But I also still don't really buy Noah wanting to be a FULL TIME DAD to *four* kids. I really think sticking it to Helen is part of the motivation.

They didn't happen back-to-back. The naked run was later in the episode. I think it was a flashforward

Those two scenes didn't happen back to back. The drive home in silence happened after the first scene with the girls. We see them talk to that science guy, get dressed and hop into the car.

I thought about that too. Tower Joe probably has a little crazy in him, but he probably just saw Kevin talking to Patti (and maybe heard a little, since the streets were quiet)

They looked scared to me

I think it ties into their disappearance. People thought they were streaking, but I read fear on their faces. I don't know if its right before the disappearance (like maybe they were going to skinny dip) or if its from their time while gone, but we shall see (I hope)!

If it swallowed them, why didn't it swallow Kevin too? I don't think it was a Departure either, but I don't know what it was. Also - did they make it to the water? The phone was inside the car…I think the car was locked? As a teen girl, probably cell phone obsessed - you'd leave your phone in there, but take your keys

That was probably a flash from "their" story. When I saw it it definitely seemed to me like they were up to something. Some people thought they were streaking, but it definitely didn't look that way to me.

I think that's what we're getting next week

Even though she's definitely an adult and did not have The Affair, I often want to yell at her to GET OVER IT. Its been months now, there's no going back. And yes there's pain - but at this point, its done.

Haha, yeah I felt like his sister was doing him a favor by asking "do you really want them FULL TIME?"

You know what? I never wanted to see an episode from the kids perspective until you wrote that.

Did he ever get his job back? I can't recall. The kids are out in the middle of the week, so its obviously still summer in whatever year this is. He and Alison were looking at property. I know they weren't planning to stay in Cold Springs forever, but I wonder if they are looking in the city now because its almost