Alaia Williams

I noticed the watch as well and laughed. Thought the same thing about the lawyer, but as Lasagna42 notes, maybe its one of those fancy TV situations where they have one lawyer that fills all their needs…?

She's just annoying by association. She hasn't done anything.
I think its more about how they are portrayed in each point of view. In Noah's this week, the youngest ones were pretty good (even when Noah yanked him out, I think the kid just thought his dad was messing around).

As did I

I was expecting his sister to point out that he had been drinking as well but…

I don't hate kids… But I do hate Noah's kids.

I liked that the episode covered one story this week, but I had been looking forward to some Cole perspective all week.

It's official, I like the theme song now.

She was taking a shit on him, Kevin.

Yeah, I kept wondering "whose stupid idea was this?" I wanted to blame it on Amelia because I can't stand her.

I enjoyed last night, but I really can't stand the other two sisters - Maggie and Amelia. Maggie isn't endearing to me and I just want Amelia to shut up. But overall, yes, I actually enjoyed all three shows last Thursday night.

I like Jake…because Scott Foley is nice to look at. But he serves no real purpose (that we can see right now), I'm sad to say. Fitz can stay because he's Prez, but I've hated this relationship since day one. And both Huck and Quinn can go. They both annoy me now.

"Married men" was my favorite part


That was the best bromance speech I've ever seen.

I appreciate that


Yeah, I'd believe that. And either way, its really inappropriate to show a third party a tape like that.

I love Frank. I don't know why.

Mama's doing Daddy's job again.

That's why I thought I was missing something. Why was a kid who needed a babysitter running around there? I think Helen's an only child…? Maybe not.