Alaia Williams

So does my mom. Somehow, I've never tried one.

I didn't realize it had its own category until the episode start. I was really curious about what was going to happen.

We can be the Quakers of the AV Club together.

Does anyone feel like Tommy killed Wayne? Has that theory floated around at all? I haven't caught anything about that and it hadn't occurred to me. I was discussing the show with a friend this morning and she brought that up. I think Tommy was making it all up in the last scene. She couldn't decide if he was making it

Maybe he was studying the "ways of Wayne." Things he said, how he interacted with people.

It FINALLY stopped grating my nerves this week. Now I kind of like it..

Tommy is the one who gave them the baby and Jill knew that - so I get the sense that she's somewhat in the loop, but I could be wrong.

Cole, I'm assuming.

I watched the episode twice and each time I must have blinked because I don't know where he was when he almost hit that kid. He was just suddenly…there. I'd watch a third time, but it'll all come other soon.

I didn't think I'd like it, but when my mom stayed with me for a while and insisted on watching it, I did find myself laughing more than I thought I would. I never watch it on my own, but if my mom is around and wants to see it, I no longer put up a fight.

My biggest issue with her special was that, because it was recorded in May, I've heard most of the jokes during her many interviews over the summer. Not a huge deal, I just felt like "oh yeah, I've seen this one before." The guy in the audience was hilarious though…

I didn't catch that subtext, but I think you're right. I like it.

I thought she'd say she spit in them or something

I figured he'd turn out to be the divorce attorney.


I hate Whitney. And from the preview, does seem like she told Helen about Alison. Probably because Allison wouldn't give her Scotty's number.


Right? I thought "well, that was stupid"

Different stories. You don't have to watch the first, but I think it's a great season. The Solverson's carry over but I don't think it'll be a huge deal.

I love seeing him on the show. I first knew him as the Captain on 21 Jump Street. When I moved onto The X-Files, it was great to see him there too.