Alaia Williams

Almost everyone has been on SVU (not necessarily this cast, but in general). I love that show.

It's a very sad situation. That scene did make me laugh though. And Lily is so cute!

Yeah. In the "this season on The Leftovers" preview last night, there was a quick glance of her standing there…but where "there" is, I don't know.

I did love that scene though

I've gotta say, all the comments here and on previous episode reviews make me really glad I've never watched LOST.

I think I saw in the preview that he eventually moves into their house. Or at leas they come for a visit…

The dog guy is gone. I was reading an article on who was staying who is no more. Dog guy, Christine, and all of Jill's friends are gone. Can't remember if Wayne is coming back.

At 2, the kid would be walking, I definitely don't think that kid was 2.

Totally. And I think it Cole's view, there was a little time jump. I think it jumped from them saying hello, to them being on the couch talking. And at some point she offered to make him eggs…he could have fixed the toilet then.

So far, I find that couple pretty delightful!

I think they had a mediator, and that's not the same guy. He definitely doesn't like Alison though!

Maybe Cole marries the babysitter of that kid he almost ran over…

I loved In Treatment. Excellent show.


And I love them both so much.

"I’m curious to see if every two episodes is going to be a complete story now, or if that was just the conceit of the first two episodes in order to introduce Helen and Cole’s perspectives to the show."

Loved that scene.

I found out Margaret was Andie's daughter after waaaay too much reading about all things The Leftovers last week.

Nice - I'd totally forgotten about that.

I love Baby Lily. She's really cute. And any excuse for Steven Williams — I'll take it.