Alaia Williams

It definitely was

Never stop Danny from dancing.

Jill's friends, Christine (mom of Wayne's baby), dog killing guy, the mayor. None of them are coming back. Patty (GR leader), Kevin's wife, etc, will be back.

Also a possibility.

Rewatching and caught the lawn bride this time. She appeared right as I was about to sip my orange juice.

I don't think he was.

I'm feeling like the streaking will come back into play - I feel like the girls are running from something, not really streaking. They seemed to be running for their lives, but I may need a rewatch.

When they all sat down to dinner, I thought - this is some kind of mirror image of the Garvey's. Nuclear families - each with a boy and girl. Both a bit screwed up in their own ways (I want to learn more about John in prison). Aside from the baby that was taken in that is.

I loved it

how did you know??

The thing that excited me most was seeing Reza Aslan's name. I didn't know he was involved with this season until then.

For the most part. I think by the end of TD Season 2, the song was growing on me, but Season 1 is still my winner. I did like the visuals both times.

I didn't even notice a lawn bride

I am also one of those people who liked the TD season 1 theme way better

I loved the first season and I have the feeling I'm going to love this season even more. I definitely miss the old credits/theme music. I'm sure the new stuff will grow on me - it just threw me and I didn't rewind and listen again.

Love this

I can't recall at this point. All the tweets, spoilers, fan input and articles are all starting to blur. I do think his name was mentioned among those returning, but I don't have a source at hand

I appreciated Je Souhaite much more during this rewatch I just did

I love X-Cops!