I used to love watching this when I was a kid. I definitely don’t remember this character. Yikes.
I used to love watching this when I was a kid. I definitely don’t remember this character. Yikes.
Ugh, Tyler Perry...the only stuff I like of his is when he’s in someone else’s movie. I liked him in Gone Girl.
I’m jealous. I don’t even talk to mine. haha.
God, I miss Married so much!
I really like this show. I hope we get a third season.
I’m sure Scully would have said “because I’m a doctor,” if her vacuum hadn’t blown up.
I love the look of it, like Kate. She looks pretty cool. I don’t like the pandering.
I really enjoy this show, but generally speaking it doesn’t get a lot of online chatter. Maybe the target demo doesn’t use social media as much? I don’t know, but it makes me concerned there won’t be a season 3!
yeeeep, so did I.
I totally want use that line at my next party.
It was nice to see Kersh again, though at the exact same time I was thinking “What’s Chief Webber doing there?” My mind was working double time.
I can’t believe how much he tried to push his point that a grown man having sex with a 13 year old was okay and that its not rape. And that statutory rape isn’t rape. I mean, I just feel like that got worse and worse as the interview wore on.
If only we could get Meloni back for that episode
Is it a Quentin movie?
Yeah, I didn’t love Randall’s ending. It does feel like with him we’re going through a lot of storylines - William dies before season 1 is even over, Deja didn’t last half a season, and now Randall wants to buy a building. He and Beth are still my favorites though (along with early Jack and Rebecca).
Look, I’m just happy we got a hookup.
Yes, I think they both looked really good in this episode.
I never saw Ned and Stacey, which several people said this reminds them of. Is it worth digging into?
I can’t wait to see which crime they cover next season.
Not sure why, but I really like this show!