One of many things to love about her
One of many things to love about her
And having him back on the team would not solve all his problems. Its foolish to think so. If not being back on the Lakers drove him to this, there are clearly deeper issues at play.
But most Protestant denominations are NOT taught that.
I’ve never said “who dis?” But if someone isn’t in my contacts and they are texting in some familiar way, I do say new phone, who is this? Or - “you’re not in my contacts...who is this?”
Beyonce look-alike AND Swift? Way to send my Monday down the toilet!
They are attacking with a vengeance. It's pretty outrageous. And over something so cute/benign too...
I think he's wrong on how he's handled things - but if you watch anything with Janice (like the first seasons of America's Next Top Model) it was always "world's first supermodel - Janice Dickenson" - so maybe he was just following Tyra's lead...?
It must be the whole black don't crack thing because when I read it, I couldn't believe he was 51. I've been keeping my fingers crossed for my future.
This is the best I've seen her look (and I don't mean that in a negative way)
don't know if he's gay or not (and who cares, he's KEVIN SPACEY!), but they worked together on HoC so, why the heck not?
I also thought it made her look stocky/short
Yeah, not really working on many levels
Agreed. I really loved the darkness of the show
Sweet baby Jesus, this looks terrible.
Hadn't seen or heard of this. I kinda like it!
Fabulous fabulous comment
thank you, thank you, thank you