
I find it incredibly helpful to start writing instead of procrastinating the entire first day away reading advice comments on how to get thru the month. Also, I wholeheartedly recommend not getting on sites like cracked or running down a wikipedia rabbit hole.

Um... 2 questions.

No way is Andrew dead. He’s an inhuman. That’s why he disappeared from Hawaii. And the look on on Brat von Strucker’s face running from that convenience store was pure terror. He’s done gangster stuff before and seemed totally in control the moment before. He saw something that scared the hell out of him.

You can like Abrams. Its Orci and Lindelof you should be hating. Covered this in a much longer comment further up.

While it would be easy to jump in with the people hating on you (because it really does sound like you’re whining about the trailer for the sake of it) I feel some perspective could ease your fears a bit. The guys you need to be mad at for the destruction of Vulcan and the various other things people love to bitch

Well, the Kylo Ren theory just got put to rest. Ren is shown, mask off, in the new trailer, wielding the cross sabre, in what appears to be the same fight as the shots we’ve also seen with the mask on.

Sad truth:

If you’re actually curious, it’s meant to be a reminder in Christian religions believe that he had victory even in death and then over death itself three days later. Less “Elvis on a toilet” and more “William Wallace yelling FREEDOM” to use a horribly inaccurate film interpretation as analogy.

I’m starting to think this show has reached the most demented, depressing tipping point in television history. When the only “redeeming” quality of the show is that it is terrible, and I find myself reading that everywhere, I worry that the only people watching the show are internet critics who feel obligated to

Uh... You're leaving out a really important part of that scene that very much empowers Inara. She was already dying of a terminal disease and made the (very strong) CHOICE to ALLOW her body to be used as a biological weapon in the event that she ended up in a situation that she were raped for the betterment of

Dude, calm down a little. No one said they disagree with these points as suggestions.

I could go either way with this answer.

At the risk of sounding like I might know what I'm talking about...