
Tom, I don’t usually read your content, I actually never get into this site, I was checking kotaku when this article showed on the section “You may also like”. I am a little behind Walking Dead for my own reasons. To have an article spoiling something on its title is really a dick move. I’m a nobody, but please,

Choices. You choose to have a PS4, play at home, on your comfortable sofa, beautiful TV and home theater. Some people choose to have the portability. They are asking for games to play, games that they think are great.

Well, to judge someone by only reading words on an email can be very deceiving. People have personalities, they are different and maybe this guys was just being himself.

Too bad such an awesome concept were wasted in such effortless choices. It’s like those generic pixelated side-scroller, but instead of only live up to the nostalgia, they’re adding more to the game mechanics, to shake things up a little bit. When I saw the screenshots I thought the battle mechanics would be boring,

I honestly think Echoes is the best Fire Emblem on the 3DS at the moment. Awakening is truly memorable, with a compelling plot, rich characters, awesome soundtrack and way beyond Fates in every single aspect. But Echoes, oh boy, Echoes is amazing. The voice acting is superb, the soundtrack keep me whistling for weeks,

“[...] but the rider makes up for it with a superhuman like situational awareness and balls of steel.”
This is something that should not be praised. This guy is putting not only his life at risk, but everyone he crosses.

I always wanted to know who was behind Capcom vs SNK’s art direction. Doesn’t she has a portfolio/website? I tried to google her, got nothing =(

“At this time, [..]”

Actually that’s great news! The movie can totally skip the killing-in-order-for-gear and focus on a group of hunters that tries to save a village from destruction by an elder dragon. PETA would be out of the question. Besides the quests-oriented setting, MH does have plots! I really like the Tri and how we manage to

I’m not much of a fan fo GCI. It really doesn’t look that good to me.

Not really. I have almost 20 games in my PS3 library that I haven’t started yet. Until PS4 read PS3 games, I won’t think of buying it. :D Though I’m planning to buy a Wii U