
The only person who can take care of you is you. There are no victims here. Consenting adults made a choice to have sex and not use common sense and use protection. He lied to them. People lie all the time. You don't trust someone's word about not having an STD, especially if you don't know them and they are having

This isn't blaming as much as it is a plea for people to use common sense. I mean, come on.

I rather think that calling consenting adults who let a guy from Craigslist talk them into unprotected sex "victims" is part of the reason HIV continues to spread.

I cannot agree with the statement that they should not be obligated to disclose. How can you put the onus onto someone who doesn't have all the facts disclosed to them? I agree that you should always use condoms for casual sex, but condoms are not perfect and if someone does not wish to take the risk of sleeping with

Better yet, skip Craigslist completely!

It's sad that a piece of fruit looks better in panties than my butt.

I can't stand Hill, i don't know why he wins all the awards.... its a stupid populatiry contest, just like MTV movie awards. Award for best Twerking in a movie.

Well, in this case it WAS cut an dry. Coaches knew about it that night and covered for them. There were photos and videos of teammates narrating the attack. The prosecutor's son was a Steubenville teammate and she tried to convince the victim's family not to press charges. Adults were covering for them at every

I was actually happy to see one lighthearted story here to brighten things up, since this topic gave me a case of the sads.

My regret is you didn't fart the entire national anthem on him in a dutch oven.

A friend of mine got told on the Fourth of July that her husband wanted a divorce. He blamed her for everything - she was too in to her career, she wasn't getting pregnant fast enough, and a bunch of other douche canoe things in a list that smelled, shall we say, fishy, from the beginning.

Shut your pie-hole and show some respect for Nicholas Hoult, who is like 20 billion times more interesting than that girl who fell on purpose at the Oscars and tries too hard.

GF was heading back to college after winter break and wanted to surprise her by putting gas money in her purse. Found a letter in there, and assumed it was to me, natch. At one point, the letter began to describe a dream, in which "we started to have sex, but my mom and ricos both showed up".... uh..

They'd be better off negotiating a better back-end, even if it means giving up pay to keep the episode cost down. The syndication could go on for a long time.

Literally everything is cultural appropriation now.

Why are we still talking about cultural appropriation like it's a thing? Or even a BAD thing?

Since when does being famous mean you give up freedom of speech?

I'm not sure which is more confusing: Terry Richardson photographing Martha Stewart, or Martha Stewart thinking Terry Richardson is cute.

Since the Renaissance, the trajectory or art, excluding possibly art created through technological advancement, has been either towards realism or appropriation. She's just getting shit because her medium is pop music, and people get trained to spot this stuff in pop culture because it's easy. Doesn't mean it's

As an Asian-American person who knows a lot of other Asian-American peeps, can I just sayyyyy that I'm pretty sure NONE OF US were offended by Katy Perry's "geisha" costume? At worst, it looked stupid because she mixed several different cultures together willy-nilly. At best, it was really cute.