I will look forward to his making this into a film.
I will look forward to his making this into a film.
A Time To Kill Your Career
Olivia Poop. OMG
the lamb is the third cop. Detective Fleecer.
I thought the creepy occult aspect of True Detective was what made it so interesting. If this is just another seedy police procedural about regular ole' crime and corruption, I'm far less excited.
Callie, have you found any information on where people can donate to Mrs. Whalen's legal defense fund and/or expense mitigation for her family? That would be a very helpful tidbit to highlight if available, thanks!
Yeah, and if they'd sentenced her to a class on why you should only get pharmaceuticals from a licensed pharmacy and some amount - even a large amount - of community service I'd say you had a point. But 12-18 months behind bars? That's excessive. She's not a risk to the community, she's not going to reoffend, and she…
There was no public transportation and they couldn't afford for BOTH PARENTS to take off two days of work to take their ONE CAR to get this done. They also didn't have the money for the abortion. She didn't really have another solution. Not really.
I've had intelligent, educated family members tell me with complete seriousness that they thought international online pharmacies were legal. "If they weren't legal, why would I be able to buy stuff?"
i would lose my shit with glee if they dated.
As my auntie would say, if you can't say anything nice about somebody......come sit right here next to me.
I wonder if his ass gets jealous of all the shit coming out of his mouth?
Enjoy your mocking tone. And, yes, Clay stepped in the merde right up to his chin on this. But, lest you forget, he's running against Renee Elmers, full-on teabagger nutjob. All The Way With Clay, etc.
"If ignorance ever goes up to 40$ a barrel, I want drilling rights to his head."
Sorry to disappoint: http://www.clayaiken.com/
Countdown to Clay Aiken dick pictures surfacing on the internet begins now.
"Anybody who takes inappropriate pictures of themselves deserves exactly what they get."