you think the cops don't rape people?
you think the cops don't rape people?
The reason she makes that joke is because Michelle has big arms and masculine features.. and Obama is a very thin guy that wears mom jeans and is not super-masculine and aggressive. She exaggerates those qualities to their fullest.
Does the 5 second rule also apply to dick?
It took a man wearing biker's gear to stop this 'devil cat'
i came here for the cat gifs.
The plan for Feline World Domination continues, unabated...
WHAT THE FUCK, Ben Stein?! How did you go from the guy who did eye drop commercials and had a fun show called "win Ben Steins money" and hanging out in Omaha steak houses with Warren Buffet to being a completely disgusting old man drooling over women less than half your age?!? Gross. And how is his wife ok with this…
Mark, sincere question:
With diabetes rates increasing in children and teens, maybe we can turn this trend into a PSA: Remember kids, if it tastes sweet when you bubble, get to a doctor and check for trouble! Think Gear Grylls is available to spokes person?
Especially for someone who was genuinely know as a rugby wiz...
That's a lot of money to just piss away.
What a thickebag.
Shouldn't this be "Kanye has hand-picked these items!"
You guys, I literally think I have a problem.
I don't know why she has to be a child.
Hatters gonna hat.
I'd bang Tywin. That silver fox could act. I'm gonna miss him.
I got one really horrifying one, and one hilarious one. I'll lead with horrifying.