Police apprehended not just these two, but an entire crime ring as well. In all, a total of eleven men and women were arrested. That said, police are on the lookout for an unknown, unnamed 12th man.
I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.
I don’t want to go to my husband’s memorial service on Monday.
I liked the Estonian video better. He is to rap what he is to jump shooting.
“Balluania”? Amateurs.
So were the Ball brothers awarded a Lithuanian M.A.M.A.? Or do they have to keep living with LaVar?
Exactly they mention the prequels as much as is needed. If Lucas had wrote them, Jar Jar would have been dancing in the background of every scene
The new movies acknowledge the prequels. Kylo Ren mentions a clone army in the first one and Luke briefly recounts the rise of Darth Sidious in the new one. There’s not a lot of reason to dwell on those events 50something years later, honestly.
I’m still at a loss as to why supporting her is worth withdrawing support for all of Netflix’s other top notch POC content like Chewing Gum, She’s Gotta Have It, Dear White People, Luke Cage, or OINTB. Monique isn’t in for the sisterhood so much as she’s in it for Monique.
In re: Tom Petty
“ DACA recipients are twice as likely to be criminals per extensive statistical studies trying to exonerate them.”
Sounds like you meet the criteria, though.
No way, he’s black.
Racism. When Greg Olsen threatens to jizz in a woman’s eye, he gets nominated for the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award.
“Jokes on you, Robby. My wife has a nut allergy, which is why we can’t even have sex anymore.”
Wait where is Doute and Scheana?!?!
Snoozy evil? I know that’s not a category, but she bores me to tears.
Squeeze into the playoffs, score 3 goals, get swept by Nashville.....