
Should’ve come out in a cover Tua.

Since Trump was in attendance there were actually two soft flanks.

It’s a complicated God.

Never hedge. Why spend so much time waiting/shopping on odds only to give back some when you are one game away?

I’m (a) guy who argued that there’s potentially room in the market for an alternate league because the NFL has turned away more people this year than it has in previous years. You’re free to disprove it, but:

Save it for someone who cares

I’m going to guess you actually had nothing to do with it.

Yea I’m totally convinced UCF would have been able to hang with these teams! Undefeated!

“protects dogs anuses” never owned a pet dog before, didnt know this was a concern

My accountant laughed at me when I sold all my stock and invested in folding tables and upstate New York based emergency rooms. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?

An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

You do whatever is best for you, for your mental and emotional health. We can’t pick our parents, and I personally certainly reject the social pressure to ‘owe’ them anything, even if they behave badly/are abusive etc. If you don’t talk to them, well that’s their choice too, and it sounds like they’re not supportive

Since when does McDonald’s have “malted” milkshakes? Is this a regional thing, like only some McDonalds having grits on the menu?

Funny, Cohens aren’t known for running away from golddiggers.


“I’m really starting to wonder if he was actually abusive or if I blew it all out of proportion just because I wanted an easy out from the relationship.”

It’s a pop-up shop,

My adoption of my daughter became official this past Thursday. My husband adopted her, too. It was pretty fucking awesome. I worked so hard to get her back. So many years. Feels good as hell, y’all.

Spent the day putting up holiday decorations, now I’m wiped out. Amy liked the tree skirt:

This is just one person’s opinion. You still might find the movie amazing.