  • I was tempted to deduct a letter grade for the choice to both open and close the show with Counting Crows. Never go double Crows!

Don’t worry other 47 or so states, you’ll be marching soon enough. This is what happens when you push through massive tax cuts and already aren’t providing all basic services and can’t pay for the debts you’ve accumulated.  

That doesn’t matter when you come from a white country. That, and conservatives love all things Russia now.

Mark my words, Tami Lohren will be the next National Security Advisor if the Mango Mussolini has anything to say about it.

You do know that when the KKK was “founded”, the Democratic Party that did so became and is now known as.....wait for it.......the Republican Party.

This is the first time a team in the field has successfully executed a hit and run.

The “game not shootout” aspect of it was *exactly* what I was going to post too. Pretty sick.

His swing looks like his dad’s too. I now have a baseball boner.

In the moment, I honestly thought that Wellington had killed himself from first shot of Keane’s face after she started reading the resignation and following letter. Like he included a, “By the time you’re reading this, I’ll already be dead......”-type of thing.

For his next role he’s playing John Kelly.

Unfortunately, since the Earth is flat, they all fell off the edge long ago.

Ridiculous, unintended consequences resulting from Trump policy?

The Catholic Church hiding behind it’s sanctimonious Catholicness?

My Jules had all but two of her little front teeth removed in 2010. After day or two of recovery she was almost like a completely different cat (so happy!) and has never looked back. Best $1000 I’ve ever spent.

Its an easy fix, they just need to add a stat like, “Extra Inning Error” to account for the unearned run.


Kool, man.

Huh. I could’ve sworn my ex-wife broke that glass ceiling years ago.... #trytheveal

Goalie never saw it coming. Literally.

Two words: Jay Cutler.