
Sorry, can’t agree that Handler is the equivalent to Maher. Whatever you or I may think of Maher, he has more than topical knowledge of political issues. Handler was *way* out of her depth during her last appearance on his show. Almost Tomi Lahren level of embarrassing.

It’s a pop-up shop..........that only lasts for a short time.

I’m really starting to wonder if he was actually abusive or if I blew it all out of proportion just because I wanted an easy out from the relationship.

I hope you don’t wake up with a migraine and still don’t go!

No, there really isn’t *anything* impressive by the “D” on that play. *They* know who the decoy is supposed to be and they won’t look up at the ball in flight.

If drivers still have to monitor, it will most definitely count against their hours. They are monitoring for their job, not some leisure activity. Drivers aren’t even allowed to work some part time job b/c they are required to have so much down time.

Think your logic machine is broken.

Amazon isn’t a private business, big shooter. You might also want to breeze through your Facism 101 textbook again.

If there was any doubt that Sajak is an old, white conservative, that shirt sealed it.

Just watched SMILF yesterday, it was pretty good. First time I’ve seen Frankie Shaw in anything. There was a lot packed into a half hour show that made it feel like an hour, but in a good way.

Love Good Behavior and Michelle Dockery! Kind of a slow burn to start the season (and Agent Lashever is a bit too campy this season) but they’ll figure it out.


Maybe I’m just stoopid for asking this (it’s kinda my thing) but.........what does David Lee’s “continued earning potential” have to do with, well, anything? Didn’t dude make a $100mil in the NBA?

It’s a “cultural” thing, if you check out some comments above. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Lotta TWTW in that staff.

Sorry, Mr. Donald, I believe the AMA (American Mohel Association) has already trademarked that slogan.

Think away. Let me know when you start crowd-funding for your legal expenses and I’ll throw in.

Best comment of the day! I did just wake up though. But still!

Seems like a lot of hoops to jump through. Let’s also not forget that RM was the first one to make the warrant known, not the police. If we’re going the unfounded, conspiracy theory route, she’s had a couple weeks to craft her side of the story and gain public support and *then she discloses the warrant*. Both of our

That’s the thing, they didn’t copy Marvel. Instead of fleshing out characters in their own movies first, they forced out their own Avengers. I’m not a huge comic book fan so I have no idea what Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg are all about, outside the trailers anyway. And I didn’t know much about Ironman and Thor but I was