
Sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture. And, yes, I am a grown ass little boy.

Ah, the, “They’re doing it so why can’t I?” argument.

Given how vocal she’s been in recent weeks about James Woods and Weinstein it will be interesting to see if she publicly weighs in on her husband’s asshattery.

Funny. I could have sworn the question mentioned something about two bodies of....wait for it.....*water*. Didn’t you say the Navy spends a little bit of time in the water?

My two thoughts while watching were some version of paypal or wifi.

Admittedly, I’ve never had experience with unions related to your profession. And, IMO, your story about the prop master should happen more with union employees but doesn’t.

I’m sure make up artists are part of a union. While unions do plenty of good, trying to get a union member fired or even reassigned isn’t the easiest thing to do (unless they murder someone) and may have played into it.

Probably quite a bit when you add in delivery.

Not even taking into account you actually drove to the house just to take a picture, you seem kind of not smart.

I don’t get it. It’s a house. A fucking house. People have invested endless hours with the show so they’re somehow entitled to disrupt these people’s, hell, the entire neighborhood’s lives?

I’m team jerk guy fiance.

No, they didn’t actually do it until the 4th quarter. It was left out of this post, you would have had to clicked on the links in the story to find it.

You sound a bit like a.......dick.

I immediately started spanking it when the trailer was over.

It takes ‘em back to the good ol’ days of segregation. You know, the last time America was GREAT.

Doesn’t Scott Pruitt kind of look like he got his glasses from a bargain bin at Claire’s? Just a thought from me.

Even if you’re not sure about that figure, here’s another that will make your eyes roll completely back in your head:

Brilliant catch on Gordon’s car, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why they called their site Comet since there wasn’t anything related to a comet in the series. I thought maybe it was named after the cleaner Comet b/c they were scrubbing the web. /s

“Welcome to the party pal!”

You know she was in A Million Ways to Die in the West which didn’t actually begin shooting for four months *after* the Oscars, right?