
Please don’t take any money from The Donald, he needs it for his monthly“hair” budget.

“Please look at me,” the Prime Minister translated. Trump appeared to take the translation literally, and began to stare at the Prime Minister, refusing to break eye contact with him even when he used his other hand to point at the cameras, where Trump was supposed to be looking.

Charlie Spiering fidgets nervously

Unless everyone else falls apart, I don’t think he has a chance in hell. I think it comes down to Brooke or Sheldon.

Of all the cast members, I can’t believe Ariana did something so campy. Would have been a better fit with Doute and Stassi.

Kind of easy to forget when Trump feeds us fresh, offensive material almost daily. Donald actually makes Alec look like the Dalai-fucking-Lama.

I just watched it for the first time this week. Wasn’t terrible but I won’t go out of my way to see it again.

He lives in western burbs of Chicago. Coaches high school football, was head coach for about ten years, won at least two state championships. They were a real small school power the whole time he was HC. Few years ago he turned it over to his brother, think he’s still OC.

No! The foam will crumble/disintegrate. Get a good pillow protector, the pillow will last much longer if you use a waterproof pillow protector.

Yes, you *can* wash a pillow. That doesn’t mean you should.

backhand potency (BHP)

You are 100% correct.

I didn’t read this or watch any of the show but let me ask one question: Was she completely wacked out during any of the episodes?

I’d like Canada to adopt us as Canada’s ballsack (look at the geography).

Respectfully, I would disagree about Serena being “so much more dominant” than Roger.

There are watches or fitbit-like trackers you can wear to bed that do the same thing and vibrate to wake you versus an alarm.

Trump, whose administration recently sprinted back a suggestion to heavily tax imports from Mexico, claimed: “We’re no longer going to be the country that doesn’t know what it’s doing.”

Highlight Truther: No line and wind at his back

That-a-boy, Oscar. Nobody likes a quitter!

If food service employees are going to make upwards of $40k/yr. w/benefits, somebody is going to pay for it.