
I was thinking the same thing as I started reading this. I started listening to him in the 90s in high school, through college and after. Between the radio show and his show w/Adam on MTV, he was actually entertaining and informative. Kind of crazy to see what he has become.

The wind of change made it uncatchable.

Your comment:

“We’ve made some wonderful hires recently from well-respected, honest companies like Theranos..........”

“I have seen shit that will make you cross-eyed!”

On an unrelated N subject......have you had any issues with voicemail? I just received my first voicemail since updating and it showed like a text notification preview but when I tried going into voicemail, it disappeared.

While the article is far from perfect, here’s a strange sentence included in the third graph: “What is surprising, however, is that the biggest cost to the company is the fee it pays out to drivers.”

Big numbers any way you slice it....... [ba-dim-tsss!]

You seem to be a gigantic penis.

Pretty sure he writes for Deadspin. He’s just older and with less facial hair in the picture above. Name sounds like Perry Betchesky..........

Go back to Bethesda and work on your balloon ball.

I believe they’re saying it will be rent-controlled............

Probably. Heard he’s a Trump supporter, too.

This isn’t Gizmodo, Sparky........

If this process sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because it’s similar to what billionaire Peter Thiel did when he secretly funded a lawsuit from Hulk Hogan against Gawker Media. It’s still unclear whether Thiel benefited financially from $140 million judgement against Gawker, but the impact of his attack is

Makes sense, she makes more in a year than you do.

I don’t have the ability to express how fucking ridiculous I think this is.

Jeah, he’s right above Kate’s head. She adopted Ryan Lochte at gunpoint, according to him.

You don’t need a lot, just a nice easy spinkle across the entire surface......

$7-$9 for frozen pizza? So this is what I have to look forward to when Obamacare eventually morphs into a single-payer system. #ThanksObama