
Wouldn’t Rabbit Fuckers be a tautology?

+1 Jeah!

What a bassoon


Or the Ross pickoff at first right before the Card’s homer in the 7th.

That would be impressive if the rankings went above 170..........


If you go to a decent size gym, you can use the pull up/dip assist. You have multiple grips to choose from and the weights to counter as you start. After a year of lifting (after 20 some odd of nothing), I recently completed my first unassisted dips since college!

Nerds or GTFO

The United States ended up wining by 10 tonight, but the final score belies how close the game was right until the very end.

Go to Deadspin. It’s a lot like Jezebel but with danglies.


water polo players complained about burning eyes.

Full Chubb = Hardon

Are you being serious right now or intentionally dim?

Or, the inability to recognize an obvious narrative. Potatoes, tomatoes.

Getting that high during a match is a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them....

If Trump somehow gets elected, Barry, I would like to co-write, “The Butterfly Effect 4: Trump. It’s All Barry’s Fault.” with you. I’m thinking Sean Penn or Regis in the lead role.

Tebow only wants to catch on somewhere so he can throw grounders during warmups.