
Chicago and Valentine’s Day don’t have the best history.

Must be some sort of inside joke for being stuck in Cleveland.

Why aren’t there 3 “O”s in Looop?!

I literally have no clue.

Why does a bear shit in the woods?

I said I wouldn’t star comments like these anymore but I relapsed.

I figured they’d try to get really bad, and have lots of money freed up for what is said to be a really deep draft and free agent class.

Bullshit is one word you fucking monster.

Yeah, it would be weird to ask some rando on the street but me an my friends don’t need natural context to talk about anything. Pretty much everyone has some weird peccadilloes about them, I think people would be happier if they could learn to own everything about themselves.

When Chiarelli was asked why he made this trade, he said, “The Devils made me do it.”

All the Canadian GMs have lost their fucking minds today. This and Subban for Weber straight up? After Bergevin gave Shaw a 23 year contract? Baffling....

Hey oh! #BrexitStageLeft

Even Tom Brady’s cousin across the pond can’t get any love!?!

I would say it’s definitely a possibility. It’s an oddity in the game that the opposing team would at least be thinking about. Combine that with a pitcher that can hit spots and you keep pounding the outside corner when right-handed batters are up. If the batter is thinking pull, you get a lot of weakly hit balls or

What, intentionally make shitty movies?

Absolutely nothing you quasi-illiterate fucknuts.

she is also dubbed “whip smart” (a term that has likely never once in history been used to describe a man)

Was he charged with 3 seconds in the lane?!?

Hoy boy, this will be all the talk of the Republican National Convention!!!

No doubt.