
I did have a dog that absolutely loved beer. When I first brought her home, I put a beer on the ground while playing with her and I ended up getting distracted with a phone call. I came back and the beer was knocked over and there was very little beer left. She was quite the beer thief her entire life. If I was

WOOOO WOOO WOOOOO did you just make a joke about a mixed race billionaire brah? No cool brah. He is both stunning and brave and a terrific lover.

Probably really good at first, then it just sours and gets bitter over time.

I’ll call this drink “The Tiger Woods”

If you are scraping together money to see this piece of shit, you really need to adjust your priorities in life.

How can it not be the Cleveland Browns? They went from Johnny Football to RG3.

Andy Kaufman would have stopped her.

Now playing

I prefer “Real American” by Rick Derringer

Off your meds today?

LOL Besides a hunter, I am also a land steward for a land trust organization. During hunting season, although there is no hunting in some of our preserves, I have to scream at the other stewards about wearing orange. Some of them “never thought about wearing orange before during hunting season”.

The only time I wear Orange is when I’m dragging a deer out of the woods.

The guy stocking up on ammo isn’t the guy you need to worry about.

if you have anything other than the mindset of a libertarian or a liberal in the classic sense not the current fudged up democratic party, you are the problem.

fuck you, you need slaw on your pulled pork, or you are a piece of shit.

Im from NY. As bad as my memories were during that period of my life, this being what i consider the PEAK of the Yankees-Red Sox Rivaly. I felt like the bloody sock was one of the defining moments of that world series run. To not include clearly shows ESPN’s bias to their recently fired employee.

I was a person who subleased for a guy who bailed. Found the add on Craigslist and let me tell you how horrible that was. The guy living there, now my new roommate decided to not pay rent for 3 months. Nearly getting me thrown out on the streets.

“It would be weird to have the Caucasians as a sports mascot, so why is a baseball team still called the Indians?”

Holy Shit that was awesome! Best Trump add I’ve seen ever!