
Ummm; not even fucking close.

Children are told to be patient and fair under threat by adults who’s only authority over said children is because they’re larger and stronger. Adults realize there are times when it is in everyone’s best interest to bend a rule, or are able to accept the consequences of bending a rule and potentially getting caught

You are...not grasping the concept here, chief.

Because children are taught to be patient and fair, and adults forget those simple concepts?

Wait, so the “the rest of these suckers are driving in the driving lane instead of passing on the shoulder and trying to shove their way back in to the driving lane” mentality is the adult mentality?

Actually, that’s how the road system works. If I’m in traffic and you’re behind me, you also have to sit in traffic.

Jesus. I’m so sorry.

and no, the state will not retry AT ALL.

A writer did a piece for The Root that really resonated with me (I’ll attach below). It was called, “The Cosby trial reminded me why I’ll never seek justice.”

That’s right: you get to break the law and drive dangerously because you’re more important than they are, not the other way around! And it’s really, really, really terrible if someone gets to go somewhere faster than you. Keep vigilanteing on, model soldier! Your judgment is the only judgment that matters, and fuck

I loved his miraculous eyesight and walking recovery as soon as he got up to leave.

You’d be surprised by how quickly people forget. They managed to find Jurors who didn’t care much for Michael Jackson to serve on that jury.

Yeah, cause everyone shoulder passing is totally on their way to the hospital. 

The Cheesecake Factory will never go out of business because they’ve figured out the magic formula of bang for buck.

Are they going to do something about the fact that their slices of cheesecake are nearly or exactly 50% of the recommended daily caloric intake? Same goes for over half of their entire menu. Because I feel like THAT is a much more pressing issue.

Places like McDonalds, KFC, and Taco Bell are rebranding to look less like plastic toys to and more like sleek, modern cafes.

I’m a fairly non-stupid white person - if I see a doctor of color, I figure she/he probably had to be twice as good to get half as far as the white doctor standing next to them so, bring it!

Obamacare was passed after 25 days of debate on the floor of the Senate, a debate which saw nearly 600 amendments proposed, and roughly 150 actually added to the bill. Of the amendments added to the bill, 2/3 were proposed by REpublican Senators. From the day ACA was presented to the Senate for review to the final

Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.

ETA: I really think this piece sums up a lot of the reason why I have felt so enraged about this case and people’s reactions surrounding it. It feels like a magnification of every sexual assault and/or abuse survivors worst nightmares.