Yeah I watched a few years ago and could not BELIEVE their pact to “get married if neither of us is married by 28" LOLOLOL TWENTY EIGHT???
Yeah I watched a few years ago and could not BELIEVE their pact to “get married if neither of us is married by 28" LOLOLOL TWENTY EIGHT???
Remember this?
Right?! And 28 was considered an old maid. It’s hard to believe how cultural norms have changed in 20 years.
While You Were Sleeping is great though!
I was not a fan of the movie at the time (I’m one of those people who irrationally don’t like Julia Roberts - don’t judge me, we all have an actor or actress that we feel this way about), but your article actually made me want to give it a second chance. All I really remember is the scene with the singing and lobsters…
Can we talk about how the Diaz/Mulroney relationship is fucked and they’ll most likely be getting a divorce 4 years on? He wants her to quit college so he can further his sport writing career, and she very much does not want to do this, and the movie never resolves it. Plus he turns into a total douche when she…
I guess we’ll have to wait for an autopsy to find out just what happened to him.
You are both fucking idiots.
He likely wasn’t beat. He probably did have botulism at some point and to relieve some of the symptoms he was probably given methamphetamines that caused the cardiac arrest. No previously detained American has ever reported being tortured by North Korea, they’ve never even been sent to a hard labor camp (despite being…
Possibly they just didn’t want a dead American on their hands. The idea of his family paying has a lot of merit, though.
I can not say this enough: there is NO SUCH THING as a coma that lasts a year. You either die, return to baseline, or enter a persistent vegetative state (which happened to Otto) within about a month at the absolute maximum.
I went through resistance training (POW interrogation stuff) when I was in the military and one of the things they taught us was if we were ever forced to issue a public confession under threat of torture to make up the wackiest ass story we could possibly get away with as a signal that we were under duress. This…
They didn’t want him to die in their custody and they couldn’t plausibly finish him off in a way that could be staged to look like a suicide and pass autopsy.
Road Rage? Really?
That confession is the craziest part of all this. The idea that he’s enrolled at the University of Virginia, in a fraternity, and studying abroad but his family is somehow so destitute that he would risk his life for the promise a pickup-truck worth $10,000 it utterly ridiculous. It also makes no sense that a church…
I’m watching for the first time his full “confession” video. It’s so freaking bizarre. That a woman from his church offered him a used car to take the sign because she wanted to “weaken the unity” of the DPRK people? That the Friendship United Methodist church has a bank account balance of 42 million dollars ($10…
Not to mention the other republicans who are gleefully politicizing the shooting of one of their own.
Yeah we can’t possibly dare mention gun control after a shooting, but Trump and republicans can go ahead and make whatever political statements they want in regards to this kid’s death.
This poor kid and his poor family. But damn Trump for politicizing this and making it about what he did for Otto vs. what Obama didn’t do.
What the fuck tiny apartment has a dishwasher?