
Anyone remember that kid that was dieing of cancer and a bunch of people on the fiero forum helped him complehis car before he died. Donated parts, paint and labor. Was an amazing story. 

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification  

Why is it so difficult for people to understand that the CAS ruling ONLY APPLIES to those with 46 XY DSD. If Caster falls under this ruling, which it is apparent she does, we need to look at what 46 XY DSD means SCIENTIFICALLY. All forms of 46 XY DSD have internal testes. If she falls into this category SCIENCE has

This is some Cask of Amontillado shit right there.

“Charlie Chesbrough, senior economist for Cox Automotive, told AutoNews that he has a working hypothesis. Mainly, it costs more to buy a car these days, and it’s tough to borrow the money to do it. It’s pretty tough to sell to a market that doesn’t have the means to buy.”

I honestly don’t know what you and the rest of these armchair experts here expect out of f1 racing these days. Non-stop wheel to wheel racing? NASCAR crashes? This season we have two drivers separated by one point, but that can't be exciting because they drive for the same team? I suspect that things will tighten up

Isn’t the NRA’s solution for every problem more guns? They should really explore that potential here.

Agreed. I actually like the VQ, it at least sounds unique, unlike the overwhelming majority of V6 engines.

I’ve always been taught that if you can see the black flag it is for you. You go in and verify with the head official that the flag was for you. If it wasn’t, you get to go back out. If it was you get to go park and talk about what you did wrong. Not to mention you check every single flagging station for flags and you

“That freedom of getting your own wheels and a license—and that being the most important thing in life—is gone”.

Davis looks like he is related to himself on a few of those branches. 

This is the ugliest vehicle I’ve seen all day. And I read that CT5 preview.

As someone who has owned three Z cars I think I speak for,,, myself at least, when I say this is the most pathetic example of a 50th anniversary edition vehicle since the Corvette(lets all remind ourselves of the burgundy and beige mess).

I raced a GT3 First Gen Rx7 and made the mistake (once) of leaving pit lane without ear plugs in...one lap and back to pits. Crew: what’s wrong? I’m pulling off my helmet to put them in...crew guy says really? Even that 12A would kill your ears at 9500 rpm with all the harmonics. They are something special!

If ‘anger’ has a sound it would be a quad-rotor racing engine.

It was the FC that awoke my gearhead as a kid. For me, it was my gran turismo car. When I was young i only knew that the horsepower number was good and the most i could get to compete in the fr races out of the gate came from mazdas little triangles.

I know F1 is the crown jewel, but there are drivers in F1 that I just wish and wish would come to sportscar sooner (ahem, Button!)

There are hundreds of thousands of MAGA chuds who have no idea their beloved hats are made in China.

I mean, that last question was rhetorical, right? Because, 100%, we’re the biggest suckers for this.

For some reason a large portion of the country doesn’t understand that we live in a global society/economy.

I feel like Jizyah Shorts is the Duke of 2019, but I’m still pulling for them.