
@Aarrrgh: ohh. i thought it was something like the glyph things they do on the show Fringe.

@tkuhl87: thanks for ruining it you asshole. I have yet to watch the third and fourth season.

Great app but with the small data caps of mobile internet this app will make you go over your data cap.

the 21st century is only 10 years old. So its too soon to pick the most important tech innovation of the 21st century. For all we know sometime in the 21st century a cure for cancer will be invented or someother society changing invention.

yeah that is stupid. hopefully the people that give out the trademarks aren't complete idiots and give facebook the face trademark. a little common sense goes a long way

what the hell does this image mean. I've seen several similar images around.

@Tobey Steinman: Its easier with XP. If your sound card supports it as your recording device select the WaveOut or Stereo Mix. This records whatever is playing on your PC. This feature is blocked in Vista and Win7 so you wont record streaming audio. But there is a workaround for that.

@MaaseyRacer: This depends on what state you live in. Each states have different laws regarding secret recordings.

@imajoebob: No one forces you to use Google products. I use it because they offer great services and features and the best thing of all its free.

So what stops the cops who may or not be on your ass from busting you for using these illegal devices.

There are these music blogs online to download albums with the songs modified is optimized with extreme base when playing in a car with a sound system. It does the job of what an audio epicenter does. What i want to know is how to do that.

Don't forget you can use private browsing when you are cheating on your significant other and don't want the chats, emails, and messages to show up.

Yes that sucks what these companies are doing. This is like buying a new computer today and comes loaded with Windows Vista.

wow that is amazing what you can do with a dead hard drive.

@grey_fox24: Oh yes what is that show called Fullmetal Alchemist?

@Mr.V.: How is being burned by a hydrogen balloon fireball a win? Its more of a FAIL.

@—Core—: Yes that is a great idea. While we are at it lets make gold out of nothing..

@Gaffadin: That is true but if you already are downloading movies/music/tv shows/programs illegally what should stop you from doing this.